Mise Dental Clinic en Matsuyama

JapónMise Dental Clinic



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Japan, 〒790-0003 Ehime, Matsuyama, Sanbanchō, 6-chōme, 4番地1
contactos teléfono: +81 89-921-0277
sitio web: mise-shikaiin.doctorsfile.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.8374564, Longitude: 132.7598431

comentarios 5

  • Taka



    All the teeth treated by the previous director and my son's generation have lasted from 10 to 20 years. I have had a lot of cavities since I was young and have had about 20 cavities treated over the past 20 years. At first, the previous director was in charge of everything, and after his son graduated from university and started working there, the father was in charge of treatments not covered by insurance, and the son was in charge of treatments covered by insurance. After all the treatments were completed, I consulted about teeth whitening, but at the time, the only aesthetic method available was to remove the teeth and attach a ceramic layer, which was stressful on the teeth. My previous director said to me, ``Do you want to be an actress? Take care of your teeth, which are not cavities.'' I remember laughing and replying, ``Doctor, then I'll get dentures and enjoy my youth.'' To this day, I have continued to maintain the teeth that were treated at that time, and I have not had a single tooth that has had a problem due to the treatment method. More than half of them are still receiving treatment at that time. The true value of dental treatment is something that will be tested decades later. He is a dentist you can trust. thank you very much. It is very unfortunate that I currently live in Tokyo and cannot receive treatment.

  • takudannax



    I have been coming to him for less than two years for treatments such as cavities in back teeth and wisdom tooth extractions (which involve incisions in the gums). He seems like a solid and skilled old-fashioned dentist. The bottleneck is that it's hard to get an appointment because there are so many patients, but I no longer feel uncomfortable because the doctor makes me feel at ease even when the treatment is fairly heavy. (I've always hated dentists) I think there are relatively many hygienists. For example, when removing tartar, some people forcefully pull their mouths to remove tartar, while others gently and carefully swipe. It's different and it's always interesting. lol Of course, everyone works diligently. The most important thing I want to say is that the teacher is very sincere. Even when something trivial happened that wasn't a mistake, I was surprised when someone told me they were sorry. This was the first time I met a dentist who could honestly apologize for trivial matters that other dentists would ignore, so I thought he was a wonderful person. Also, he is technically very thorough, the treated teeth are beautiful, and the inflammation in my gums that had been bothering me for a long time has been completely cured since I went to see Mr. Mise. I want to say something to some people. If you have any technical complaints, please let us know directly and we will fix them. No one feels good about writing a review that denies the person's character, and it makes people doubt the character of the person who wrote it. Everyone feels it differently, but no matter what kind of evaluation you have, you need to be considerate of others and discipline yourself. I like Mise Dental Clinic, and I think many people who go there do too. Thank you for your continued support.

  • かな(かな)



    I went there after being introduced to it by a friend, but it was the worst. I lost three of my teeth due to the doctor's design mistake (which he himself admitted), and although I had a denture made with the other parts once, it quickly stopped fitting. Basically, you can only see the dentist for 30 minutes at a time, and the more you go to the dentist, the more money the doctor receives, so it seems like a money-based system. Now that I'm going to a different dentist, I realized how inexperienced the dentist was.

  • a a

    a a


    The response is a blunt attitude like "I don't know." There are many surgical errors, I felt so sad that I felt like crying.

  • boxruhu little

    boxruhu little


    He is very thorough in his treatment and takes a lot of time to explain it to me. While there are many dentists who are just trying to shave or make money, the doctors here are very sincere. I've moved now and can't go to him anymore, but he was a very good dentist.

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