Misaki Teradomari Onsen Hotel Asuka en Nagaoka

JapónMisaki Teradomari Onsen Hotel Asuka



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107-107 Teradomarinozumi, Nagaoka, Niigata 940-2501, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 258-41-6111
sitio web: www.hotel-asuka.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 37.671423, Longitude: 138.7813712

comentarios 5

  • A. T.

    A. T.


    I stayed here for one night when I went on a trip to Niigata about a year or two ago. Personally, it was a great stay. For dinner, I booked a plan that included a meal ticket, so I was glad that I was able to order whatever I wanted to eat at the hotel restaurant. All of these are delicious...! Moreover, it was reasonably priced considering the contents, and I was able to eat as much as I could within the meal ticket. Is there a cafe with glittering neon lights just across the road from the hotel? There was one, so I was curious about it, so I decided to stay there as if it was my second home (lol).It was also good! It's great because it's close enough to eat, drink, and return to the hotel right away. This is an inn I would like to visit again!

  • すがわらこのみ(おこの)



    The motif of the hotel is a passenger ship. In the public bath, men and women take turns every day. Please note that there is a dedicated elevator to the public bath. The name stickers I put on my slippers were fun and useful even after I got back to my room. All the staff members were friendly and helpful, and I'm sure I'll be returning again in the future!

  • Baden Wien

    Baden Wien


    The view from the room is certainly an ocean view, but it's nice to see a rice field spreading out to the right in the foreground, and right in front is a construction company's site office (perhaps it was rented from a closed day-trip hot spring), and to the left is a colorful and quirky place. There are many buildings such as restaurants. It's so cluttered. Besides, the windows in the room are dirty. It may be difficult to clean the windows, but it can be done from the inside by removing the rail stopper, so I would like to see an improvement. The guest room was a Western-style room that had just been renovated, so it was clean. Maybe more than a bad city hotel. There are no major complaints regarding equipment, etc. The bed mat also appeared to be made of pocket coils, making it very comfortable to sleep on. The hot springs on the 4th floor are boiling water except for the indoor bath, so you should keep that in mind. Also, some of the shower faucets did not produce hot water, so I think they need to be replaced. However, the large public bath and changing rooms are designed to give as much privacy as possible, which gives a good impression. Dinner was nothing to say about the quantity or taste. I have stayed at many ryokan so far, but this may be the pinnacle. There was a time when I was looking forward to salt-grilled Nodoguro. The 7-piece sashimi assortment (John dory, soy, tuna, salmon, scallop, and botan shrimp) is also good. Breakfast is buffet style, but served in small plates. There was also soy and squid sashimi. I would like to note that they have a wide selection of sweets.

  • Yann Le Guyader

    Yann Le Guyader


    My family of 8 stayed here for one night on Saturday. Things I liked View to the sea. The sunset was impressive. Polite reception from the parking lot. Dinner can be a combination of buffet and order-in. That's a good idea. The fish is fresh. Things I would like to improve The carpet in the room was wrinkled. It's better to renovate it soon. Massage chairs are available for a fee. Bed mattress is too soft. You can rent board games, but it was a shame that there was no table tennis or game center.

  • Hidenori Arai

    Hidenori Arai


    very good

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