Minomorimitsu Dental Clinic en Kurume

JapónMinomorimitsu Dental Clinic


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Kizuka-152-1 Zendōjimachi, Kurume, Fukuoka 839-0822, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 942-23-3200
sitio web: www.minoumorimitsushika.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.3196104, Longitude: 130.5918941

comentarios 5

  • S



    Everyone is so kind. I think the director in particular is very polite and kind. I felt that he really listened to the other person's feelings while speaking to them. It's a safe place to go. Thank you for your treatment.

  • Mystic Moments

    Mystic Moments


    I can feel at ease being the teacher, but the woman at the reception desk is unfriendly and has a big attitude.

  • Naonobu Osawa

    Naonobu Osawa


  • Satoko Nagano

    Satoko Nagano


    I went to the dentist for two cases, but the severe pain was treated as hypersensitivity, but he told me that the nerves were dead, and he treated me right away. All of the staff members are kind and the doctors provide thorough explanations, so you can ask anything and receive treatment with peace of mind. I also take care of my children, and they can go to school without fear.

  • ちゃませる



    Both the doctor and the hygienist are kind. Thanks to this hospital, I didn't have to go to a university hospital. thank you very much.

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