Ministop i Numazu




🕗 åbningstider

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Japan, 〒410-0309 Shizuoka, Numazu, Negoya, 鎌ヶ沢998−27
kontakter telefon: +81 55-967-5011
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.1548812, Longitude: 138.8066183

kommentar 5

  • しば



    Used at 22:00 on 2024.2.4. The man at the cash register, in his 50s or 60s, works at his own pace. Perhaps he was annoyed that there was a long wait for the cash register behind me, so he kept shouting, ``The self-checkout area is open.'' Please realize that no one goes to self-checkout because they don't like it. Please stop scattering small amounts of change on the tray at the end. It's hard to take. It takes quite a while for the customer to collect the coins one by one. This is one of the causes of cashier congestion. In that case, wouldn't it be a good idea to stack the coins in a pile and organize them in a way that makes it easier for customers to collect them? Please don't show your displeasure even though it's your fault.

  • ショコラちゃん



    Mango Tokumori is the best What a great value for money Recommended

  • Ha Tran

    Ha Tran


    The washroom is very nice. It's very spacious and beautiful. Can support various languages. wonderful! ️

  • ゴメ山ゴメ男



    I stopped by on a Sunday morning to buy ``🍦soft-serve ice cream,'' but the soft-serve ice cream machine was being cleaned and I couldn't buy it! ️ Too bad 😭 I bought it later at Ministop in Gotemba⁉️

  • ブラックナイト



    This is a convenience store that I use relatively often. It's very convenient and I often need everything here. You can withdraw money with a cash card. They have bento boxes, snacks, and even soft serve ice cream, so I rarely buy them at other shops. Other restaurants may be having a hard time.

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