Ministop i Maebashi




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719-1 Higoshimachi, Maebashi, Gunma 371-0221, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 27-283-1114
internet side:
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Latitude: 36.4121075, Longitude: 139.1778174

kommentar 5

  • Oya G

    Oya G


    The store is located at an intersection with good visibility. The store was pretty normal. I ordered a cup of Shine Muscat soft serve made with Shine Muscat from Shinshu. The soft-serve ice cream was not too sweet or bitter, it had a great shine muscat feeling, it had a refreshing aftertaste, and it was very delicious without any strange sweetness remaining in the mouth. As expected, we were able to get a unanimous vote on Job Tune. I should have eaten the halo halo fruit ice watermelon... Unfortunately, there is not even a single MiniStop in my hometown of Shinshu. It's a shame that you can't eat this software unless you go outside the prefecture.

  • MOON



    The parking lot was wide and easy to stop by🏪🏧📮

  • 寺井健二



    I bought fried chicken here before and ate it, but I got nauseous while driving.When I returned it all, it felt a little better.They were selling the rotten food!

  • ガイア麗祥勇



    It is located on the way from Isesaki-Jobu National Highway (National Route 17) towards Mt. Akagi. Even though it wasn't crowded, I confirmed that my favorite type of cigarette was on the shelf and ordered it, but I didn't bother to look at it or say ``I don't have it'' using the number. Was it annoying? Located in a triangular area between prefectural roads, there is a large parking lot where trucks can rest.

  • ベートーヴェンその2



    I visited around 6:00 in the morning. I stopped by because I wanted to eat soft serve ice cream🍦. I was told that I wasn't ready yet. So I ordered a tapioca drink ❗️ I like the attitude of providing freshly prepared food. The fried food case is also empty. Even though I'm the only customer I ordered two types of tapioca drinks. Does it just take time? Prioritize accounting for customers who arrive later How to interrupt your own tapioca work ❗️ I wasn't in a particular hurry though. I didn't feel very good❗️

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