Ministop in Tama




🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒206-0025 Tokyo, Tama, Nagayama, 3-chōme−21−2
kontakte telefon: +81 42-375-5630
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6242921, Longitude: 139.4424815

kommentare 5

  • chi kim

    chi kim


    The cashier, Mr. Yamakawa, had a very bad attitude. I didn't understand, so I asked, but he was very unkind. Is it due to lack of education? By the way, it was about how to pay for coupons with PayPay. I want the people at the store to understand this.

  • o o

    o o


    All the clerks after the evening were the worst. Welcome. Your voice is low and your attitude is bad. That's the level at which I'm often hired. It's better to replace it.

  • nicole lucenara

    nicole lucenara


    The attitude of the staff is not good. There's something I want to ask a store clerk or something, and when I ask, they give me a disgusted look. I feel like there are a lot of people working like a chore. Also, I borrowed the restroom several times, but it was dirty and had a strong smell.

  • Yoshio Kobayashi

    Yoshio Kobayashi


    It's an ordinary convenience store along the Kamakura Kaido road, but I stopped by because I heard that you can withdraw money from your Mizuho Bank account without any fees. It was a wonderful convenience store that lived up to my expectations.

  • zaki zaki

    zaki zaki


    This is the only Ministop in this area. There is also a parking lot, which is convenient. There are 6 eat-in seats. I'm looking forward to being able to easily enjoy seasonal soft-serve ice cream desserts.

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