明治神宮御苑 i Shibuya




🕗 åbningstider

1-1 Yoyogikamizonocho, Shibuya, Tokyo 151-0052, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3379-5511
internet side: www.meijijingu.or.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.674009, Longitude: 139.6986514

kommentar 5

  • GettingThingsDone StressfreeProductivity

    GettingThingsDone StressfreeProductivity


    Besure you know what to expect from 500yen entrance fee. Lucky well is good all year round but flowers differ. March to april. They had yamabuki (globeflower) , katakuri (trout lily) In may (pls check forecast ) stunning wisteria (fuji) can be see. In spring , best time , in the park is a path of irises that lead up a small hill that has an arbour with a thatched roof. It’s a great place to relax and gaze at the beautiful scenery. There are water lilies in bloom too in addition to the Japanese irises. They will be out until July In winter. May be less worthy , ducks and some green were highlight. Check the weather also before coming ,to Avoid rain.

  • Keluarga Pelancong

    Keluarga Pelancong


    Beautiful, a perfect place to contemplate. I was there when the irises were blooming. My favorite was the small lake with lotus plants on it. Charming and peaceful.

  • en

    Sais Mgigc



  • Fu Chun Hsu

    Fu Chun Hsu


    Beautiful place with iris.

  • Robin Helder

    Robin Helder


    really nice location wherw you should go

nærmeste Parkere

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