Minamitohoku Hospital en Iwanuma

JapónMinamitohoku Hospital


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1-chōme-2-5 Satonomori, Iwanuma, Miyagi 989-2427, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 223-23-3151
sitio web: minamitohoku.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 38.1091335, Longitude: 140.8770291

comentarios 5

  • chikako kawamura

    chikako kawamura


    I was hospitalized, had surgery, and was discharged for a week. I was surprised that the doctor in charge of morning and evening came to see me even though he had work early in the morning.

  • hiro



    This evaluation of Tohoku Hospital is fake. Please do not be fooled. I don't want people to be unhappy from the bottom of their hearts. This is a hospital that I don't want to give even one star.

  • さくら ねこ

    さくら ねこ


    2024/1/23 I went to this hospital for a complete medical checkup for the first time, thinking that if there were any abnormalities in the results, it would lead to immediate treatment. The receptionist, medical staff, and doctors were polite and helpful. The doctor smiled and explained the dog's final examination and test results in an easy-to-understand manner, which eased my nervousness. It was more expensive than the medical check-ups at several medical institutions I had previously visited, but I was satisfied with it, probably because it included a CT scan of the lungs and a gastroscopy. I paid for it through National Health Insurance, so out of the 46,200 yen, I received a 20,000 yen subsidy from the city, so the total amount was 26,200 yen, but I am glad I went to see the doctor. After paying the bill, we received a nutritionally balanced lunch box. From now on, the entire amount will be covered by actual expenses, but I would like to have regular check-ups for early detection.

  • 香織



    The pain in my neck didn't go away, so I went to the outpatient clinic. Both the nurse and the doctor were very kind. Thankfully, the pain has gotten better. Thank you very much🙇

  • かとれあ



    My family was admitted to the neurosurgery department, but I regret that the nurses didn't treat the patients well, left them alone, and admitted them to the worst ward. The atmosphere at the nurse's station is also very bad. I think it's better to just stop here. Zero hospitality...

El hospital más cercano

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