Minamimachida Clinics i Machida

JapanMinamimachida Clinics



🕗 åbningstider

4-chōme-4-1 Tsuruma, Machida, Tokyo 194-0004, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 42-799-6161
internet side: www.mmhp.jp
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.5071039, Longitude: 139.4711543

kommentar 5

  • 三谷麗奈



    I often visit the pediatric department at a children's hospital. There are many departments, and some may not be good, but I definitely recommend pediatrics! My daughter has asthma, and her colds often last for a long time and become severe, so she can take X-rays, the doctors are kind, and they coordinate medical care with other hospitals. It can't be helped, but unlike most hospitals, which are reduced to assembly lines, they take the time to carefully examine each patient to find out what is causing the symptoms. The other day, I had a fever that lasted for about 5 days and started on Saturday and Sunday, so I went to another hospital and it was diagnosed as just a cold, but the fever did not subside and I went to the pediatrician at Minamimachida Hospital. I went with a feeling of admiration. Then, they thoroughly checked my progress, checked my medication, checked my throat, stomach, back, inside of my ears, and X-rays, and explained the symptoms, whether it was EB virus, and whether there were any signs of Kawasaki disease. I did. Based on the swelling and redness of his throat, he was tested for adenovirus and found positive. I've had it several times in the past, but other than a fever, I didn't have a cough, bloodshot eyes, or swelling, and even my parents never thought about the possibility of it happening. Even in such a difficult situation, I am grateful to the doctor who carefully confirmed my condition and searched for the cause. Thanks to you, my daughter is now feeling better. The pediatrician, the X-ray technician, and the nurses were all very nice, so I wrote this review because I didn't want people to judge me based on reviews from the entire hospital. Definitely a recommended pediatrician. I look forward to your continued support. (By the way, if there is space, you will be guided as soon as possible)

  • Pol Jap

    Pol Jap


    Nurses are kind. That's about it what's good at this hospital

  • Sonia H-ferry

    Sonia H-ferry


    I was hospitalized 4 days for a bunion surgery. This is my first time being hospitalized in Japan. All the staff and nurses have been very kind. Thank you for your attention and care during these days. I am not Japanese and although I speak Japanese the nurses and other medical staff made sure I understood their recommendations and repeated in different vocabulary if I missed some words. I read some people complaint here and I wanted to comment: à hospital is not a hotel. It is normal to have some rules for patients security.

  • Jiazhen WU

    Jiazhen WU


    Very bad manner. I'd better had no question.

  • Daniel Dizzy

    Daniel Dizzy


    The Doctors are kind and easy to talk to at some level but compared to others, I think they can improve their hospitality. Above Average

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