Minamikusatsu Dental Clinic en Kusatsu

JapónMinamikusatsu Dental Clinic



🕗 horarios

1-chōme-13-36 Noji, Kusatsu, Shiga 525-0059, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 77-569-5505
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.0030034, Longitude: 135.9487409

comentarios 5

  • Motorradまーちゃん



    My toothache came on suddenly, but I was able to consult with them over the phone and they were happy to help me❗️ Also, the report of the examination results and the treatment were competent and helpful.

  • K N

    K N


    I was sent to see the dentist many times, and had expensive ceramics inserted into my important front teeth, but the result was that the teeth were unaligned, and as expected, they were wobbly, so I had to redo everything else within the insurance coverage. I once caught a glimpse of the receptionist's waiting room, and was very surprised at how cluttered it was.

  • 銀猫



    Compared to other dentists I've been to, he is by far the fastest. It doesn't even hurt. The water used when sharpening your teeth is thoroughly absorbed and does not accumulate in the back of your throat. Teeth fillings are also loose and cannot be removed quickly. It will be a while until the next treatment, but thanks to her hard work, my daily life is stress-free even during the treatment period until the next treatment. There is a lot of chatter, but the hands are still moving. Basically, reservations are required, but if you have a problem with a tooth coming loose, we will accommodate you, although you may have to wait. From my point of view, I find it very helpful.

  • Day Nice

    Day Nice


    When I went for a checkup, I was told that the next one would be in 3 months, but when I got home and looked inside my mouth, I noticed that the sides of my teeth were clearly darkened and had not been treated. I had a hard time getting an appointment, so I went back for another checkup in a month. ``The filling from an old cavity may have cracked inside. Should I try removing it? ”I was asked, If you are worried about what might be, I was told, ``You won't know until you try to remove it,'' so when I removed it, I found that even the gums were blackened by cavities, and I was told that I might have to have the nerve removed. At my next checkup, I asked, ``Is there a way to notice this sooner?'' as a preventative measure. I was told, ``You can't do it yourself, you'll have to come in for a checkup.'' I came in for a checkup, but I would like to say that they wouldn't have treated me unless I noticed it myself. Then, on the day of my fourth treatment, I was 10 minutes late, so the treatment time was 3 minutes (gargling, looking inside my mouth, gargling), the doctor stood and talked, and then came back and finished. Since I was late, they said they didn't have time to treat the cavity, so they haven't made the tooth silver yet. (At the end of the consultation, there was 10 minutes until the next appointment slot) As a supplement, As I was carrying my child into the examination room, the slippers my child was wearing went flying towards the waiting doctor, but instead of picking them up, he kicked them back. Also, when I was told for the first time that the next time would be 3 months, I confirmed, ``You can make a reservation in 3 months and go home.'' His reply was, ``I have something to do, so I don't know what's going to happen.'' It seems like the rule is to make reservations a month in advance, but I felt like there was another way to say it. I feel uncomfortable with his arrogant attitude and no apology for overlooking my tooth cavity, so I do not recommend him.

  • しお



    I received treatment for tooth decay. There were many other patients waiting besides me. The wait time itself was quite short and I was guided right away. The waiting time after getting on the treatment table was short, and the treatment was stress-free. I feel that this is a clinic that I can trust, as they provide clear and easy-to-understand explanations with photos.

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