Minami Aoyama Shimizu-yu w Minato-ku

JaponiaMinami Aoyama Shimizu-yu



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 〒107-0062 Tōkyō-to, Minato-ku, Minamiaoyama, 3 Chome−12, 港区南青山3丁目12−3
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3401-4404
strona internetowej: shimizuyu.jp
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 35.666043, Longitude: 139.714009

komentarze 5

  • en

    makoto Akiyama


    Comtenpolary building and Cleaness with located in mid town, Better bring soap & shampoo with own towel since no free supply there. Just @JPY460 for adult person.

  • en

    Mark Kahn


    This place would have been crowded with half as many people, but 7 people in a 3m^2 cold pool, people waiting for each bath, standing in the sauna... it was absurd. Facilities were nice and clean. Sauna more than doubles the total price!

  • Pedro Núñez

    Pedro Núñez


    Nice public baths with friendly stuff. A bit too crowded on weekends, since it is right next to Omotesando and Aoyama. Towels and soap not included, need to be paid separately.

  • en

    Sha Booney


    went right when it opened at noon and people were already flocking in. seems more popular with men and people who want to freshen up after working out in the area. small but clean and bright. the staff were nice but a little reserved. they don't really care to explain unless you ask every specific thing. but they were courteous in their explanations. guests are only provided with a locker so you need to either bring or buy your own bathing supplies. all options availble on the ticketing machine by the front desk or at the desk itself. when i went, the ladies bathing area was immediately left of the counter. it had at least 20 shower areas, 3 hot tubs and 1 cold tub. i am unsure if they alternate the bathing area on specific days or if it's always the same. also, have to pay 20yen to use 3 minutes of the hair dryer. oh and it seems they have a policy against tattooed guests.

  • Jan Rod

    Jan Rod


    Good local sento. Expensive sauna. Crowded in peak hours. Unfortunately frequented by foreigners who often don't know how to behave and don't care.

najbliższy Spa

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