Miho Dental Clinic i Minato City

JapanMiho Dental Clinic



🕗 åbningstider

Japan, 〒108-0073 Tokyo, Minato City, Mita, 3-chōme−1−14 MA21 1F 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5444-3361
internet side: www.mihodentalclinic.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 35.6474156, Longitude: 139.7442502

kommentar 5

  • K “ニク” S

    K “ニク” S


    The treatment time was only about 10 minutes per session, and even if I could get an appointment, it was only once a month, so my treatment didn't progress at all. The fact that it is difficult to make a reservation is probably a sign of its popularity. However, I didn't like the short treatment times and long wait times of large hospitals.




    My husband has been taking care of me since the store opened, and now my husband and I go there together. I am always grateful to the director for his skill and kindness. This is a clinic in Minato Ward that also offers oral cancer screening, so we recommend that dental refugees give it a try. By the way, thanks to this, all of my front teeth have been replaced from silver teeth to white teeth that are covered by insurance, and I am no longer allergic to them! We also have a barrier-free examination room! He is a recommended dentist.

  • choco marble

    choco marble


    The male teacher's explanation and treatment were fine, but the female teacher's treatment was sloppy and really bad. The clip that held my mouth in place was handled roughly, and the corner of my mouth was cut and it hurt, and I have sensitive skin, so it can't be helped...I tried to think that it would heal eventually... The important fillings clearly didn't fit together and felt sharp, and when I asked again and told her that, she said, ``It's like that at first, but it will get used to it eventually.'' (Of course, payment is required for this confirmation as well) When I went to see a doctor elsewhere, I was surprised to hear that he immediately showed me a photo of the inside of my mouth and said, ``Oh...this needs to be redone.There's a gap.'' Why did I receive treatment and pay for it? Even though it was covered by insurance, I had to go several times and pay more than 10,000 yen, so what was the point? I started going to the clinic with the idea of ​​paying for it myself, but I will never go there again...

  • M T

    M T


    The X-rays showed that there was an area where pus had accumulated, but I was only told to "let me know if it hurts" and there was no follow-up even 6 months or a year later. I was also concerned that after a regular checkup, the receptionist didn't even confirm that I had secured the next appointment, so I went back to my previous dentist and found out that it wasn't a good idea to leave it until it had accumulated so much pus and whether or not it was painful. I was told that it is not a problem, so treatment will begin immediately... I went there because of the convenience of the location, but it was the right decision to go back even though it was far away.

  • pika pika

    pika pika


    Thank you for your help in treating cavities. Thank you for your detailed explanation. Wisdom tooth removal was quick and painless. It also deals with apnea syndrome, so I think those who are suffering from that would consider it. The previous receptionist greeted me very cheerfully, so I felt comfortable.

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