Midori Friend Dentistry en Kurashiki

JapónMidori Friend Dentistry



🕗 horarios

6975-1 Tamashima Otoshima, Kurashiki, Okayama 713-8103, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 86-441-7775
sitio web: tanjifriend.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.5352378, Longitude: 133.6821811

comentarios 5

  • わあ



    Similar to other people's opinions, the receptionist has changed since last year, there is no smile, and the previous receptionist provided more detailed service. On the contrary, even though I was only about 5 minutes late than my reservation time, I was coldly told, ``If you're going to be late, please let me know.'' Even when I was late, the previous receptionist always greeted me with a smile and told me it was okay. It may be my fault that I was late, but if that's the kind of response I receive, it makes me feel bad too. In the dental industry, the number of stores is increasing, and we, the users, have unlimited choice. Objectively, it seems like there are a lot of patients here, but if the front desk looks like that, it could bring down the reputation of the clinic as a whole. I feel very sorry for the woman at the reception desk, as the dentists and dental assistants have been very polite and trouble-free.

  • まるまーしゃん



    Perhaps the receptionist has changed, but there was no smile on my face. Even after I submitted my insurance card, they didn't ask me to wait at my seat, so I didn't know what to do. The nurses' treatment is also terrible. I felt that the atmosphere had changed from before.

  • リキのパパ



    The doctor is kind and the dental assistant has a kind attitude, so I feel at ease. I feel like it's easy to consult with them. They seem to be concerned about the cleanliness of the hospital, and each person has one pair of slippers wrapped in plastic, so I get the feeling that the rooms are well-maintained. It's very clean compared to other dentists and hospitals. ⭐It's 5! !

  • i YR

    i YR


    The male teacher is soft kind My child would want to go to that teacher because he would be kind to her. As much as I say A friendly teacher The explanations are detailed and thorough. Other staff members are also kind ^_^

  • 東弊重工



    It was my first time to see a dentist, but he was kind and helpful even when I needed something urgent. It's attached to a supermarket, so it's easy to get in and go.

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