Midori Clinics en Gifu

JapónMidori Clinics



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1-chōme-13-27 Kitayama, Gifu, 501-3113, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 58-241-0681
sitio web: gifu-min.jp
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.457542, Longitude: 136.853545

comentarios 5

  • サイタマ



    Since becoming a new hospital, the waiting space feels spacious and bright. The man taking the interview may be undergoing training, and it can't be helped that he's not used to it, but I wanted him to be aware that he was being watched, so I wanted him to concentrate on his work and be efficient.

  • cat marumaru

    cat marumaru


    Are the reviews that low? ? I was surprised with. I'm a sickly patient and I've been to a lot of different hospitals, but I was able to meet the best doctor I've ever been to. The nurses also talked to me about various things during the examination, which made me feel comfortable. thank you. The ward has been renovated, so please be careful when visiting. The old ward is closed.

  • -柑橘玉子



    Unfortunately, I have to undergo a medical checkup twice a year here. I always think that the people at the reception are very talkative. I don't know what you mean by that, but it's just "customer business", right? I think the level of teachers is generally low. I don't know about knowledge or technology, but about the human side. In fact, critical voices have been raised even by fellow members of the Min-Iren (Communist Party?).

  • ゆふにー



    When I came to see him, I was told that I had to make an appointment. There's nothing like that written on the homepage, and what about the reception? was. I'm surprised that there are hospitals like this these days.

  • 次郎太郎



    Lately, it's been taking too long to see the doctor, probably due to the staff being slow. Vaccination patients and general patients are treated together, so there is no need for separate reception desks or ingenuity. Please make masks mandatory for patients who are coughing! ️I just came here to get medicine, not to get infected!! ️

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