米本珈琲本店 en Chuo City




🕗 horarios

4-chōme-11-1 Tsukiji, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0045, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3541-6473
sitio web: yonemoto-coffee.com
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.66602, Longitude: 139.770836

comentarios 5

  • Hock Sing Tan

    Hock Sing Tan


    The coffee was overrated. We ordered no. 1 blue Mountain but taste wise just mediocre. Moreover, the coffeecshop was too narrow to enjoy

  • Danny Leong

    Danny Leong


    Yonemoto (Head Shop) Tsukiji - Great place to rest your feet and have a nice cup of coffee, especially if you are a Lennon or Beatles fan.

  • M



    Are you looking for a cup of coffee at local coffee shop in Tsukiji area ? This cafe is for you. There are many regular customers but still open and friendly to first time customers . Very affordable foods and beverages . Free wifi available . The brewed coffee is not very strong. You will see many customers bring bamboo bags. They might come back from Toyosu fish market or shop Tsukiji outer market.

  • Amy K

    Amy K


    Yummy coffee but the shop was Narrow But have toilet inside! Recommend the ethiopia one.

  • Hazirah Raziman

    Hazirah Raziman


    Followed our noses from the market area of Tsukiji to the outer area. Smelled absolutely delightful. Place was quite packed, there were no seats available so we decided on getting our drinks to go and having them while standing outside the shop. I decided to get a cup of iced charcoal coffee - I'd say one of the best coffees I've had in Japan. It's served black but you could taste a certain creaminess pushing through and the flavour of the beans. We also had 2 iced lattes and a hot latte. The iced lattes tasted similar to every other iced latte in Japan we've had - milk with a tinge of coffee. The hot latte fared better than its iced counterparts and tasted quite balanced. I was the most pleased with my random selection (yes, I did pick this because of charcoal) of charcoal coffee. Shame that we discovered this gem on our last day in Tokyo, otherwise, I would have definitely made another trip back!

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