Meu Nota i Suginami-ku

JapanMeu Nota



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Japan, 〒166-0003 Tōkyō-to, Suginami-ku, Kōenjiminami, 3 Chome−45−11 2F
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5929-9422
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.7033181, Longitude: 139.6479424

kommentar 5

  • Nadia Shutova

    Nadia Shutova


    A very pleasant place. We love the menu here - not too many options, but enough to not order the same thing over and over again. The food is great and filling - a rare find for vegetarians in Tokyo. People working here are super nice too. A bit difficult to find as it is on the first floor and the sign is hung between two other places downstairs.

  • en

    Emily Omarra


    Delicious and has a lot of different options! I left feeling perfectly full.

  • Mariana Perez

    Mariana Perez


    Cute small cozy restaurant. The staff can speak English a little. Please note that the restaurant get full easily, but you can let your name and your telephone at the entrance so they'll contact you when there are seat open. Sometimes they held events and the restaurant is closed for those who make the reservation, so it's better check the agenda in the website before go there.

  • Sarah Pitt

    Sarah Pitt


    Cozy place serving a variety of vegan dishes. The tempura mushrooms are super delicious! They also serve drinks like plum wine a mulled wine.

  • Shelly Moher

    Shelly Moher


    We had to wait for 30 minutes because the place was full but we were so happy we did because it wad an incredible lunch!! The food was so fresh and original tasting recipes​.

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