Metabaru Post Office en Yoshinogari

JapónMetabaru Post Office



🕗 horarios

2146-4 Yoshida, Yoshinogari, Kanzaki District, Saga 842-0031, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 952-52-2783
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.3322136, Longitude: 130.4117264

comentarios 5

  • Phoenix 7

    Phoenix 7


    The parking lot is small and there is a lot of street parking. Even though the staff knew this, they did not pay attention to the customers. Don't you understand how much of a nuisance this is causing you as a resident living in the suburbs? I want it to disappear quickly.

  • 立石健一郎



    I am always treated with courtesy.

  • 3 2

    3 2


    The office staff is cold

  • あゆあゆ



    Up until now, the post offices in Tosu, Nakahara, and Miyaki Town had the worst service, so when I went there thinking it would happen again, they were very kind and friendly and told me they would hurry up and make it since I had a 1-year-old with me. They kindly made passbooks for the children. I'm really thankful to you. From now on, I will only go to the post offices in Medachihara, Kanzaki, and Kamimine.

  • 緒方禎彰



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