Mercure Fukuoka Munakata Resort & Spa i 宗像市

JapanMercure Fukuoka Munakata Resort & Spa


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Munakata ci ty, 1303 田野 宗像市 福岡県 811-3514, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5539-2612
internet side:
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Latitude: 33.8613542, Longitude: 130.5250199

kommentar 5

  • Pansiri Chanprasit

    Pansiri Chanprasit


    Very new hotel Great onsen Great lounge

  • Ian Hay

    Ian Hay


    Newly acquired by Mercure but rooms are old and need upgrading / renovation. They are a good size though Staff however are excellent and the service to customers is great. Tra and Shresth are superb at customer service . The onsen is great to have on site and is quiet outside peak hours Breakfast and buffet dinner is lovely, a good choice and all tasted nice , so I think that is a positive point . In fact there is nothing in the vicinity open after 8 and so you have no choice anyway Free beers/wine 4-6 and free limited bar 9-11 for nightcaps....a nice freebie and pretty quiet overall so its nice overall.

  • Alvin Chan

    Alvin Chan


    Large guest room but old facilities like small lcd TV. A little bit far away from downtown.

  • yuki wong

    yuki wong


    Very old style hotel, not worth for money. Buffet Dinner no choice, Desert is marinated fruits and cakes, not fresh fruits provided. Hotel had many tour from korea and Taiwan. Hotel website’s picture and style are modern, but inside hotel is totally different feeling, Not recommend at all.

  • Bernard H

    Bernard H


    This hotel is suitable for taking a rest. It has a famous hot spring, a Japanese bar and delicious restaurant. It is a little bit far from the center of Fukuoka, but you can get here by hotel's free shuttle bus at Hakata station.

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