Melonbooks Akihabara 1st Store i Chiyoda-ku

JapanMelonbooks Akihabara 1st Store



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Japan, 〒101-0021 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Sotokanda, 1 Chome−10−5 広瀬本社ビル B1
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5295-7060
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6989833, Longitude: 139.77107

kommentar 5

  • Andrew Song

    Andrew Song


    Alot of doujinshi and hentai sold here. There is a doorway instore where it leads to a floor below, that's where you'll find the h-related materials. The first floors and higher are just like your normal animate but more specialized towards books and cd's.

  • en

    effwas efee


    With many different kinds of doujinshi, but tags need some more time to identify

  • en

    Sean Minus


    Cool spot for anime and other fun activites to check out.

  • en

    Tomas pesch


    😏 I know why your really trying to find this book store and yes you will find it there it's downstairs underground below an arcade perfect for you manga or doujin needs and cheep price too!

  • Jason Dane

    Jason Dane


    This is a very compact store that has 6 floors. You must be 18 years or older to enter the second floor and above because of adult entertainment merchandise.

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