Mejiro Teien i Toshima-ku

JapanMejiro Teien


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Japan, 〒171-0031 Tōkyō-to, Toshima-ku, Mejiro, 3 Chome−20, 豊島区目白3ー20ー18
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5996-4810
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Latitude: 35.724407, Longitude: 139.7058251

kommentar 5

  • Alessandra Concha Gatti

    Alessandra Concha Gatti


    Small, beautiful and peaceful place to rest and admire nature. To see ( ̄▽ ̄)

  • Rui Gomes

    Rui Gomes


    Small but interesting Japanese garden.

  • Skie Rocco

    Skie Rocco


    After visiting many districts in Tokyo, finding this place was like finding the secret garden. In all the bustle of the city, you walk through the gate and are transported to another world. So beautiful and unexpected, I could have stayed there for hours.

  • en

    Juliana Phang


    Japanese gardens never disappoint no matter how big or small they are. We visited in Dec and the garden was very peaceful. There were some koi fishes in the pond (2 looked particularly oversized).

  • Asenshi HS

    Asenshi HS


    I discovered this park by accident when I was walking back to Ikeburo from Mejiro Station It was a pleasant surprise with blooming cherry blossoms and it's just next to the railway and pedestrian crossroad 7 April 2017

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