Meitetsu Inn Hamamatsucho i Minato-ku

JapanMeitetsu Inn Hamamatsucho


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1 Chome-19-14 Hamamatsuchō, Minato-ku, Tōkyō-to 105-0013, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5472-3434
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6579389, Longitude: 139.7556524

kommentar 5

  • Raeann Chou

    Raeann Chou


    nice affordable hotel with small, but clean rooms. hotel staff are friendly and will do their best to assist you. there's a family mart right next to the hotel so there's no issue with getting late night snacks or breakfast.

  • en

    Endah Wahyuningtyas


    a nice place to access anywhere; good staff, hotel very clean, calm and comfortable.

  • en

    Jie Loh


    Clean and safe hotel with good location

  • Man Chun Liu

    Man Chun Liu


    Excellent location near the monorail station to and from haneda airport. Clean and nice room. FamilyMart is just downstairs

  • Adam Knauz

    Adam Knauz


    The rooms are just to small and uncomfortable for two people especially if you are 2m tall. The bathroom (cubicle) is too low, you can’t even stand up straight. The rooms are well equipped although most of the stuff is not required. The staff is very kind and friendly. The location of the hotel is OK, Tokyo Tower and a metro station is very close. Latter also means that there is a metro passing by almost every 5 minutes which can be quite annoying. If you’re lucky you will get a top floor room with a pretty nice view, especially at night.

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