メディケア歯科クリニック新発田 in Shibata




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Japan, 〒957-0061 Niigata, Shibata, Sumiyoshichō, 5-chōme−11−5 イオンモール新発田 1F
kontakte telefon: +81 254-28-7838
webseite: www.medicare-shibata.com
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 37.9429233, Longitude: 139.3089656

kommentare 5

  • シュガーコットン



    I go there because I receive treatment on weekends, holidays, and weekday nights. I remember there were 4 receptionists, 3 of whom were accommodating. One of them was talking on his smartphone at the Aeon entrance with a smile on his face that he would never show at the counter. I haven't seen that receptionist lately. The female teacher and hygienist are very polite.

  • 愛Eddy



    As mentioned in other people's reviews, sudden response is not possible! We only accept reservations. This is a place for people who can wait a week or two to go shopping. At the first consultation, you will be treated in a disrespectful manner. On the other hand, I thought it would be fine as long as I made an appointment, but these days, there are only a few dentists in convenience stores.

  • ken ken

    ken ken


    Dental clinic inside Aeon Mall It is located near the exit. There seem to be about 3 to 4 dentists. There is also an affiliated clinic in Kanagawa Prefecture. It didn't seem like there was very good collaboration within the hospital. The receptionist doesn't seem to be good at joking, so it's a bit difficult for me. Some dentists tend to look down on you and show you their concerns right away, so if you end up dealing with that dentist, I think you need to be patient with them. I had temporary teeth fitted, and although I was eating normally, the temporary teeth soon fell off, and I tried to make an appointment, but I had trouble over the phone. I felt that they would not be able to respond to sudden problems. Three years later, when I went to see a dentist in Tokyo, the tooth that had been repaired at this dental clinic was bad and I had to have it repaired again. Treatment that does not last 3 years I think this is not the dentist's skill, but rather the problem of the materials used and the company that processes the metal that is attached to the teeth. It looks like a metal filling that doesn't fit properly is glued to the tooth. I'm sorry.

  • 匿名希望



    Telephone calls, reception, assistants, and correspondence are more work than customer service. I feel like I'm just doing my job and have no heart. As someone who works in the customer service industry, this is frustrating. The teacher was a good person who gave detailed explanations.

  • あちゃちゃーん



    I was in sudden pain, so I searched for a dentist in Shibata that was open on holidays, and when I found this one, I had no choice but to come in without making an appointment. Understood for the poor reviews, he turned away at the door with a sullen attitude and said, ``We're fully booked up to a week in advance.'' I understand that it was a nuisance that I went without a reservation, but I was shocked at how badly I was treated. I think there are people like me who come here after seeing the reviews here. This is a dentist that you can be satisfied with based on other people's reviews. I will never go there again.

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