MaxValu Yamaga i Yamaga

JapanMaxValu Yamaga



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Søndagåben 24 timer
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Torsdagåben 24 timer
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3462-1 Katouda, Yamaga, Kumamoto 861-0382, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 968-32-1180
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.0047379, Longitude: 130.7241531

kommentar 5

  • T Satoshi

    T Satoshi


    Is it to provide us with good products at low prices? The quality of customer service has definitely declined recently. There was no greeting when we passed each other, and the cashier gave me the cashier's number in an inaudible voice, and I guess saying "thank you" was prohibited. Even though the staff are the same as before, if the customer service attitude has deteriorated so much, I can only think of it as a result of the store's management policy. Enjoy cheerful and courteous customer service at lunch!

  • よこよこ



    It’s so wonderful to have fresh vegetables and meat available 24 hours a day! Thank you for always helping me with a week's worth of materials. Still, it's relatively affordable, so it's a must-have place.

  • メインアカウント



    Aeon discount supermarket. This store is a blessing as there are not many Aeon stores in the northern part of the prefecture. Convenient location with a 100 yen shop next door and Nitori and Mr.Max on the same premises.

  • Yun Li

    Yun Li


    Very convenient , lots of diff groceries

  • みっちょん




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