MaxValu Tachibana-dori West Store i Miyazaki

JapanMaxValu Tachibana-dori West Store



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4-chōme-4-8 Tachibanadōrinishi, Miyazaki, 880-0001, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 985-24-1129
internet side:
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Latitude: 31.9196352, Longitude: 131.4228554

kommentar 5

  • 吉田勝則



    I looked at past reviews, and the customer service has been bad for a long time. I suspect that the training may have been sloppy. It's okay if there is an acrylic board at the cash register, and it's okay if you wear a mask, but I don't understand what you're saying! I asked for disposable chopsticks, please. He was pointing into the distance and saying something, so when I asked him back, was he ignoring me, not hearing me, or speaking in a voice I couldn't hear? When I listen to it again Come on! While saying this, he pointed to the disposable chopsticks above the payment machine! Come on! I think you are a foreigner because of the way you say it. This is Japan! I would like you to learn the minimum customer service etiquette and language. Well, it's probably a management issue that they probably haven't told you about. Do they not feel that it is work or have they forgotten? The level seems to be going down.

  • kaori S

    kaori S


    There are many Miyazaki agricultural products and products that can only be purchased in Kyushu. Open 24 hours. It might be a good idea to buy souvenirs from your trip at a supermarket like this.

  • yosuke



    There's a large parking lot, and it's open 24 hours a day, so I often go shopping there. The store staff are also very helpful.

  • kenny chan

    kenny chan


    24 hours open . Very good !

  • Haewon Jung

    Haewon Jung


    Price is cheaper

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