MaxValu Hassamuminami Station Front Shop i Sapporo

JapanMaxValu Hassamuminami Station Front Shop



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8-chōme-5-19 Nishimachikita, Nishi Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 063-0061, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 11-666-6551
internet side:
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Latitude: 43.0813588, Longitude: 141.2892066

kommentar 5

  • ぷーさん



    The lady at the service counter is the worst. Probably the same person you're talking about. I'm not qualified to serve customers.

  • rohi2 suya

    rohi2 suya


    The rumors that the parts won't last are true. The office, the clerk, and the staff seem to have a bad atmosphere. Among them, ◯moto-san (old lady) is a troublemaker. An acquaintance of mine works part-time and is constantly bullied, power-harrassed, and sexually harassed... ◯He's so noisy that it bothers everyone else who works there. I hope that the store manager and other people in charge will resolve the issue. 🙏

  • みゃん



    It's open after 7 a.m., and they have half-price bread (bread made at Max Valu bakery). Many customers come to buy bread at half price. If you're having trouble choosing bread, half-priced bread will quickly disappear. Bread baked in the morning is also displayed. The half-price bread is delicious, even though it was baked yesterday. You can also buy drinks (cafe au lait) and eat while sitting on a bench in the waiting room of the nearby bus terminal, which is very convenient when you don't have much time. There are benches outside the bus terminal, so some people use the benches outside in the summer.

  • 中川孝夫



    There is no eat-in area, but there is one microwave oven and one pot. The north parking lot is free for 60 minutes if you get certified at the store, but the south parking lot seems to be free.

  • 片桐健雄



    Parking is free and the affiliated Times parking lot is right next door. I think it is convenient to use the subway Hassamuminami station as it is right next to it.

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