Matsuyama Red Cross Hospital i 松山市

JapanMatsuyama Red Cross Hospital


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Japan, 〒790-8524 愛媛県松山市文京町1
kontakter telefon: +81 89-924-1111
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Latitude: 33.8485276, Longitude: 132.7743961

kommentar 5

  • 松山



    I only know a lot about otorhinolaryngology. There were times when I had to wait two hours to see a doctor even if I had made a reservation, but this young male doctor was truly wonderful in his thoroughness of explanation, his carefulness of his medical condition, and his way of dealing with patients' concerns. I had surgery for a parotid gland tumor. I'll be discharged from the hospital soon. Now, my ears feel frozen and I don't feel anything, and when I touch them they feel like rubber toy ears, but I have no facial paralysis or dysarthria, and I feel almost no pain after surgery. I think the stitching is done carefully. While in the hospital, a young male doctor apparently had a patient with a chipped tooth due to general anesthesia, and was asked to leave after being told that he would speak to the patient. The nurse says sorry, even though it's the anesthesiology department's responsibility, is Dr. ○○ going to apologize? It's the responsibility of the anesthesiologist! It was like watching a drama, hearing those voices. I also had canker sores and they gave me some medicine, but someone said to me that it might be because of the anesthesiologist's equipment. Other people have said in their reviews of other departments that there are intern doctors, but the otorhinolaryngology department is fine because veteran doctors take responsibility for important matters and supervise them. When it comes to reviews of anesthesiologists and radiology technicians, it is true that there are some chubby people who make comments that don't treat patients as people, and some who lose their teeth. I think it would be a good idea to limit it to good doctors and technicians. During my stay in the hospital, there were many kind nurses.

  • 赤穗美和



    Thank you for your help at the urology department... Two years ago, I was treated, and this time my husband was treated. My doctor told me to come back if anything happened, so I asked the doctor at the clinic I went to for a referral to the urology department at the Japanese Red Cross. Before the surgery, my husband looked depressed, but now I can see him looking refreshed, which makes me feel relieved (*^^*) Yesterday, the doctor gave me his test results dated June 25, 2024. My husband's hospital visit was also completed successfully as he was feeling better. I would like to thank my attending physician, the doctors, and nurses who were involved.

  • mimi*



    The other day, my grandmother's oxygen saturation dropped to 85% and her breathing was rough, so I contacted her family doctor, who asked her to be rushed to the hospital, so we went to the Japanese Red Cross, but by the time we arrived, her oxygen saturation had returned to 95%. My doctor has told me that my condition is not particularly bad, but would you like to have any tests done? I was asked, and even though I don't know the cause of the sudden drop in oxygen saturation, are you planning on not doing any tests unless I request it? Surprised, I asked for a blood test. The words of the doctor who came to tell me the results were unbelievable to me. Blood test results showed that the inflammatory response was high, and it is likely that he had repeated aspiration pneumonia, which caused his oxygen saturation to drop temporarily due to phlegm. However, since this type of condition will become more common in the future, please consult your doctor again about what to do if the same condition occurs again. The same thing happens over and over again every time I am taken to the emergency room. and…. We are amateurs, and if a family member is breathing heavily and a visiting nurse comes and they tell us that it would be better to take them to an emergency room after consulting with their family doctor, we immediately call an ambulance. I think that's normal. How do you tell an amateur to judge that the oxygen saturation level has simply dropped temporarily? What should I do if my oxygen saturation doesn't recover? Isn't that why we need doctors because we can't judge? Her vitals were stable when she was taken to the hospital, and a blood test she ordered revealed an inflammatory reaction. She was given antibiotics and sent home, and my grandmother passed away the next day. If she had been admitted to the hospital yesterday just to be safe, my grandmother might not have died. It might have only prolonged his life for a few days, but... It's true that his vitals were stable, and considering he's an elderly person, I understand that anything could happen at any time. Even though I understand this, I think the doctor's response yesterday was arrogant...

  • ax2



    There are many nurses, but they are all looking at computers. I head to the nurse's station to ask for a favor, but I don't know if she notices or not, but she pretends not to know until I raise my voice. It's hard to talk to them, and it's rare for them to be like this kind of salary thief.

  • よこしまりっか



    I had an ovarian tumor, so I received a letter of introduction from another hospital and went to see a gynecologist. I chose this hospital because I have a family home. Even though I was initially told that the hospital where I was seen told me that there was a possibility of a malignant tumor and that I would need early surgery, and that I was coming from outside the prefecture. First diagnosis in February, MRI in March, tests in April, surgery finally in May, and progress has been slow. Traveling from outside the prefecture every month and coordinating work arrangements were also difficult. During that time, even if I told them that I was having trouble sleeping due to abdominal pain or lower back pain, they kept saying things like, ``If it's the name of the disease, it shouldn't hurt,'' or ``I hope it goes away after surgery.'' Transferred before. The next doctor in charge is a trainee Surgery is also a trainee Result malignant tumor. The patient's family is called upon to receive the results of the surgery, and even when the patient is informed of the results, the person who primarily speaks is not the resident doctor but a doctor from another department. Even when you are hospitalized, doctors rarely come to check on you, and even when they do come to your room, they have to fill out a consent form for testing. When I finished, I asked the nurse to give it to me and quickly left. I felt like I was being treated like a sore. When I had surgery at a new hospital, various doctors came to check on me every day, and I realized that this is how things should be. Apart from the doctors, many of the nurses were kind and supportive, which I was grateful for. As for the treatment plan after the notification, I have to have surgery right away! Surgery is impossible! Things changed all the time, and I couldn't trust her, so I transferred to another hospital. There were already discrepancies in the contents of the referral letter at the hospital I was transferred to, and the information was uncertain and I was not trusting it, and this kind of situation is impossible! He was quite angry. They also found metastases that were not visible in the MRI images in March, and said that if something had been done in March... I don't think I'll go there again. Regardless of your gynecology department, if you suspect cancer, please visit the Cancer Center or Aida University.

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