Maruyoshi Center Mure Branch in Takamatsu

JapanMaruyoshi Center Mure Branch



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2433-1 Murechō Mure, Takamatsu, Kagawa 761-0121, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 87-845-8777
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.345601, Longitude: 134.123917

kommentare 5

  • Archess Ney

    Archess Ney


    I was delighted with my visit to Maruyoshi Center Mure Branch. The food section is a veritable Ali Baba's cave, full of delicious local products. The clothes are also good quality, but the prices could be more affordable. The staff is very friendly

  • 内村芳雄



    I think it's a very comfortable supermarket where the manager and other staff greet each other properly and are not rushed. Stores like this are decreasing, so Maruyoshi is precious. I feel very good while shopping.

  • p sppp

    p sppp


    We have fresh vegetables and fish. The staff are all veterans and are courteous. Since it is a small store, the number of items is small and it has an image of being a little expensive, but it is a supermarket that is loved by locals.

  • asato tuduki

    asato tuduki


    Maruyoshi has always had a beautiful display method. I like this store because it doesn't have heaps of products or overflowing products. This store is small, but it's the perfect size for shopping for the elderly.

  • N A

    N A


    The toilet outside is also clean and comfortable, decorated with beautiful flowers. It's soothing. I like how it's always kept clean. All the products are lined up in the front row, arranged in an easy-to-see manner, and are comfortable and easy to see. The staff's response is also good.

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