ć¾ć‚‹ć‚„ć™ ęœ¬åŗ— w Sapporo

Japoniać¾ć‚‹ć‚„ć™ ęœ¬åŗ—



🕗 godziny otwarcia

19 Chome Kita 10 Jonishi, Chuo Ward, Sapporo, Hokkaido 060-0010, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 11-642-3890
strona internetowej: www.yasuoka-sapporo.co.jp
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 43.0694084, Longitude: 141.3244564

komentarze 5

  • Zachary Hubbell

    Zachary Hubbell


    The Sapporo Seafood Market is worth a visit. The ā€œrealā€ market, adjacent to this one, is accessible by advance reservation only. This market is open to public and has numerous stalls, most selling about the same thing for the same price. Be prepared to haggle, especially for crab, and donā€™t assume that all the crab is from Japan. Most is actually from Russia (less expensive than the Japanese crab). Free parking is available, but can be difficult to find. Lot 4, which is 2 blocks west of the market, is where we parked and we didnā€™t have any issues.

  • Yu ka

    Yu ka


    B class super The mysterious and interesting candy corner is attractive. As if to embody the "fun plaza", there are plenty of cheap sweets. Adults can also buy nostalgic items. When you go shopping with your kids and let them choose their favorite candy, they get confused and it's fun. Costco products are also lined up with other products, which can surprise you. For example, we sell Martinelli's Pure Apple Juice (the bottle is really nice), and there are other products that are hard to find at the nearby Hassatsu Aeon or My Basket. However, we also have a large selection of fresh produce such as vegetables, meat, and fish, as well as sake and rice, so please stop by once.

  • hi hi

    hi hi


    It's a hidden gem. A store with the scent of the Showa era However, it is a strange store that also carries Costco products. I especially like the sake corner! There are also sweets availablešŸ„³

  • Fiyori Afeworki

    Fiyori Afeworki



  • andrew harris

    andrew harris


    Nice to look around here stationary section is nice

najbliższy Supermarket

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