Maruto i いわき市




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Japan, 〒972-8317 福島県いわき市常磐下湯長谷町道下10
kontakter telefon: +81 246-43-3300
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Latitude: 36.9904997, Longitude: 140.8548348

kommentar 5

  • 朱梨住吉



    I usually use it in the evening after work because it's close to my house. I went shopping today, and the clerk in the mayonnaise department was unloading items even though customers were watching from behind. It was very difficult to get the product. At the end of the day, there was no greeting.

  • mA mA

    mA mA


    It's troubling that there are people who rate the store poorly even though it has nothing to do with it. Maruto is helpful at a low price. Above all, I think the side dishes are the most delicious at any supermarket in the prefecture.

  • すだ



    Used to purchase drinks on the way to Iwaki Station. It's a fairly large shopping center, and in addition to food, there are various stores such as clothing, miscellaneous goods, and sweets shops. There was also a restroom, which was helpful while traveling. I bought Teiwaki's famous ``Jangara'' from a sweets shop and gave it to them as a souvenir, and it was very popular. When it comes to reviews, complaints tend to be the only ones picked up, so be careful when referring to them (especially if there are few reviews, they are usually full of complaints).

  • スーパージャイアン



    The other day, my mother bought a TV magazine, and even though the release date had passed, she ended up buying last month's issue. It's my fault that I didn't get a receipt, but I realized it as soon as I got home, and when I asked for a replacement, they refused. It seems like it's no good even after waiting for an hour. You say it's because of the coronavirus, but then what are you browsing? In the first place, there were still many old books on the shelf. You can't return magazines, so it's a conviction, right? It seems that he has talked to the head office and the store manager, but he is determined to not be able to do it. I know the utensils. It was only about 500 yen, but it was enough to make me avoid the store. I thought that even the side dishes were probably old. I feel really bad.

  • レミママ



    I always complain to store staff who are stocking items, but when customers come around, can't they move the trolleys and boxes away? I feel like it's a little different that the customer turns away. Then there's the seaweed roll again, but unlike the time at the deli center, it's a mess. Don't you check it when you're packing? There were so many grains of rice, and when I turned the nori roll over, natto came out. I would like to ask the people who are making it, would you buy it? That's it. Maruto has a variety of products and is convenient, but I think there are too many differences between stores.

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