Marunouchi Center Bldg. Post Office i Chiyoda City

JapanMarunouchi Center Bldg. Post Office



🕗 åbningstider

1-chōme-6-1 Marunouchi, Chiyoda City, Tokyo 100-0005, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-3211-9859
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.6836406, Longitude: 139.7655925

kommentar 5

  • 小林浩二



    I used them for Japan Post Insurance procedures and they were very kind and courteous. I felt comfortable using it.

  • na mi

    na mi


    The non-officers in their 50s were very cheerful, kind, and pleasant. [Additional note] The mail I requested from these people did not arrive... why…?

  • Adeline Tan

    Adeline Tan


    Was warmly welcomed and counter staff tried their best to address my query of sending a parcel overseas. Besides providing very helpful printed information in English, the staff kindly ensured I understood how to see my parcel tracking number so I will be able to collect my parcel. Appreciate their patience and professionalism.

  • Shitosa Noma

    Shitosa Noma


    There's a disappointing 50-year-old guy here, and his customer service is the worst. I forgot that it's a listed company. If you think Japan Post is doing a terrible job, Japan Post is just as bad. If it were a normal customer service job, you would remove it from the counter. I also sorted it at the Yu-Pack warehouse.

  • suki tabi

    suki tabi


    Similarly, the one here with people in their 50s is the worst. I serve customers in a stern tone, saying things like, "I'm sorry!" We recommend using another post office.

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