Marunouchi Brick Square in Chiyoda-ku

JapanMarunouchi Brick Square



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Japan, 〒100-0005 Tōkyō-to, Chiyoda-ku, Marunouchi, 2 Chome−6−1
kontakte telefon: +81 3-5218-5100
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.6789909, Longitude: 139.7630895

kommentare 5

  • en

    Lionel Kwok


    Beautiful place, though I went there because of まんてん鮨. High quality sushi at affordable price.

  • en

    Dionisis Kafasis


    A great place to go for a coffee and sweets, especially if the weather is nice.

  • Alina-Octavia Cojocar

    Alina-Octavia Cojocar


    Nice square with lots of plants and trees. Many people ear their lunch here, taking a break, read, have nice talks, it's a really great spot to escape the urbanism. Nice restaurants in the area and don't forget something sweet for your day from Joel Robuchon :)

  • kazuyuki matsuo

    kazuyuki matsuo


    Charming, unexpected quarter near Tokyo JR railway station. End of the 19th century brick buildings are reproduced here in the middle of modern, hi-rise buildings. On the ground floor there is an excellent art museum (Mitsubishi Ichigoukan Museum) and casual cafe restaurants facing quiet inner court with open air seating available(You can be seated inside,too.)  Good example of Japan 150 years ago when it was trying to Westernize.

  • Jui Hong Teoh

    Jui Hong Teoh


    Just before the dash across to the Imperial Palace, there’s a little enclave called the Marunouchi Brick Square. I love this place because of a little secret garden in the middle of the square, surrounding by its buildings that are made out of bricks. It’s a peaceful respite from the busy streets outside and there’s even plenty of international brands including Joel Robuchon’s bakery cafe. It’s such a lovely place.

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