marukyo @ HIBARU i Fukuoka

Japanmarukyo @ HIBARU



🕗 åbningstider

3-chōme-13-20 Nishinagazumi, Minami Ward, Fukuoka, 811-1361, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 92-512-0028
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 33.5446275, Longitude: 130.3912535

kommentar 5

  • 大五郎



    You can shop at cheaper prices compared to nearby supermarkets. In addition to the front of the store, there is a second parking lot adjacent to the store. It's a shame that you can't use PayPay.

  • 陈旭



    This is the place where I often buy beef. It would be perfect if the discount was higher.

  • 津久見文彦



    I checked the information to see if it was still open after 10pm, and it said it was open until 10:30pm, so I hurried there, but it was pitch dark and the place was closed. I would like you to provide proper information. I don't feel like going to this store because it doesn't have any benefits other than being close. I hope it becomes another store soon. I think other shops are more creative with their services to suit the tense. It may be already behind the times.

  • ankit raikwar

    ankit raikwar


    Cheapest and best su-pa

  • Nilo Matila

    Nilo Matila


    A grocery store that keep their products nice, good and affordable for consumers

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