marukyo @ ANŌ en Kitakyushu

Japónmarukyo @ ANŌ



🕗 horarios

3-chōme-1-33 Anoo, Yahatanishi Ward, Kitakyushu, Fukuoka 806-0049, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 93-631-5358
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.86387, Longitude: 130.743686

comentarios 5

  • P yu

    P yu


    It's in my neighborhood, but sometimes at other stores. We're having a sale on products we don't sell. Can't miss it 😚

  • 小田和義



    Coffee is cheap and great 😆🎵🎵 It's a big problem because there aren't many parking spaces.




    The 1st floor is a parking lot and the 2nd floor is a store, so I think it's good for a supermarket because you can move around without getting wet on rainy days.

  • 齋田宏仁



    In the past, when you think of cheap supermarkets, you'd think of Marukyo, but perhaps because the number of stores has decreased, it no longer has the image of being extremely cheap. I went there to look for the cup noodles on sale, but the popular UFO was sold out, which made sense since it was only 99 yen excluding tax. Since I came all the way, I bought a Chicken Ramen Cup and a Demae Iccho Cup, both of which cost 99 yen excluding tax. Even if you look at the advertisements these days, they are not extremely cheap. I feel nostalgic for Marukyo over 40 years ago, when a pack of eggs cost 1 yen and a liter bottle of salad oil cost a few dozen yen.

  • F K

    F K


    I don't know if there aren't enough cashiers because there aren't enough people, or if they're simply busy sorting things out, but I was able to pay the bill right away without even being asked if I needed a bag. Ta. I'm allowed to use it because it's within walking distance, but unless I tell them, it just seems like they're saying it's the customer's fault that they can't get a bag. Since I couldn't see my surroundings, I didn't seem to be able to understand the situation of the person who was in trouble. I will refrain from using it in the future.

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