Maruichi Noda in Shinshiro

JapanMaruichi Noda



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Ueichiba-25-15 Noda, Shinshiro, Aichi 441-1344, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 536-23-0961
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 34.887424, Longitude: 137.471231

kommentare 5

  • Hiroki Suzuki

    Hiroki Suzuki


    The number of customers suddenly starts to increase after 5pm in the evening. Everyone was on the half-price sale, and the inside of the store was the calm before the storm. Customers change when the half-price sticker is displayed. Don't miss your target prey and put it in the cash register. There is no more food for the hyena who came late. You can enjoy it just by taking a detour to see it. The hyena army is terrifying.

  • rara kiki

    rara kiki


    The customer service attitude and language used by the fat lady at the cash register are the worst. If there was cat hair on my clothes, people would say things like, ``Wow!'' When I complained about why I had to be told that, When the lady started to make fun of me and said, "It's you," I looked at her hand and saw that there was a band-aid on it, and it was pitch black and very filthy, so I used your black band-aid to check out the cash register and touch exposed vegetables, etc. Isn't it more unsanitary? Then I was asked not to come to the store anymore. I thought that was the worst customer service attitude.

  • nmt



    Vegetables and other things are cheap, and they are often sold nearby! Sometimes there are things that are moldy. It's a small supermarket, so I can spend less time shopping, which is great for busy people like me!

  • 黒田文香



    I'm in a wheelchair, but it's been a while since I've been here. At that time, it was a good time because there were not many customers in the store who were so irritable. . . It felt spacious.

  • 渥美智恵子



    Vegetables and fruits were cheap. There are so many products at great value that it can be hard to decide which one to buy. I wanted to go there again.

nächste Supermarkt

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