Marui Teradomari w Nagaoka

JaponiaMarui Teradomari



🕗 godziny otwarcia

143-1 Teradomaritsurugasone, Nagaoka, Niigata 959-0141, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 256-98-6311
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 37.6187051, Longitude: 138.8236963

komentarze 5

  • puku suke

    puku suke


    I heard that it had reopened and was much nicer so I went there. Beautiful is the best.

  • 77



    This store is neither good nor bad.

  • S



    It seems that it has been renewed Don't be fooled by the beautiful appearance You can't... Outside the prefecture where you can stop by when going on vacation There are quite a few people as well. It seems so. I am one of them too There was only one person. Previously sold in open cases I saw flies on my fried food. I saw him, so he seems to be in charge of cooking. When I spoke to an elderly female clerk remain silent I went to the back of the kitchen... I called the inquiry desk make excuses and make token apologies It was just... I didn't notice the fried food that had flies on it. Selling out, even if pointed out, it's someone else's problem corporate culture. There are other supermarkets nearby Because there isn't, people just gather. Welcoming quiet guests and being vocal Avoid customers. Applicable for Reiwa No...A company that not only betrays local residents, but also disrespects other prefectural residents. There's a side dish corner near the entrance. There was a mistake in the design... It's not even worth giving 1 ★. Everyone, please be careful.

  • 髪の毛



    It was under construction. There was a good selection of products and it was easy to shop.

  • k Yazawa

    k Yazawa


    Using Wajima Auto Campsite Convenient for procuring groceries. It's about 15 minutes from the campsite. It's a normal supermarket There are usually a variety of items available. Because I have a Kojika card CGC group? kana? It's relatively cheap it's recommended.

najbliższy Supermarket

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