Maruhiro Kawagoe Store in Kawagoe

JapanMaruhiro Kawagoe Store



🕗 öffnungszeiten

Japan, 〒350-8511 Saitama, Kawagoe, Shintomichō, 2-chōme−6−1
kontakte telefon: +81 49-224-1111
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 35.9126353, Longitude: 139.4830932

kommentare 5

  • Nina Murray

    Nina Murray


    We had doughnuts at the Glin coffee shop. They were delicious.

  • R.B. Bailey Jr International Media

    R.B. Bailey Jr International Media


    Expensive, but nice. Several floors offer something for almost everybody. The rooftop amusement park has been converted into an open green space, with lots of area for picnics, family gatherings or just hanging out with friends. Nice view towards the Tokyo area. No alcohol or loud music allowed on the rooftop. A new Nojima electronics shop opened on the 4th floor.

  • A Murphy

    A Murphy


    An old school Dept store. What is not to love. Personal attention and a wide variety of items. Groceries in the basement level. Amazon may be convenient but you can't touch and try on things. Just go already.

  • Bjoern Henkel

    Bjoern Henkel


    Department store. Games and rides for kids on 7th floor.

  • Lynda Hogan (InSaitama)

    Lynda Hogan (InSaitama)


    The toy store on the 6th floor is the best in this area. There are loads of toys laid out for kids to play with. The restaurants aren't great, but they've a couple of nice cafes, one of which is in the annex across the road. Very pleasant and experienced staff, excellent service

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