Maruai w Himeji




🕗 godziny otwarcia

124-1 Nozato, Himeji, Hyogo 670-0811, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 79-287-0810
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.8393479, Longitude: 134.7106067

komentarze 5

  • masumasu11



    Um, there's a poster on the glass of the store, but don't you understand that the complaints are being made because the store's response is bad? It is you, the store staff, who cannot say the greetings ``Welcome'' and ``Thank you.''

  • 垣内則子



    I'm going to post a little bit about it now. I'm a Kawabe fan, but no matter how much I wait, I'm getting frustrated because no one is opening. Maruai's Saturdays and Sundays are as crowded as year-end shopping, and they sell ice cream and frozen foods, but I'm worried that the cashiers will be crowded and I won't be able to get them. So, I always go shopping in the morning, but I was missing something so I went in the evening! I bought Inari Sushi without thinking about it and was about to check it out, but the clerk had put a discount sticker on it, and I was intrigued by it./Excuse me, could you please put this on? Wait a minute! It's my turn right now.../After waiting, I finally said, ``I'd like this too,'' and everything else is half price, and I get 30% off!! She put it on no matter what, but what should I say? Thing ❢ I'm not happy about it either 😤 I'll never forget that person's face!

  • koh ueda

    koh ueda


    It's about a 10 minute bike ride from my apartment, so I use it often. Although the store itself is not very large, I think the selection is relatively good. (There is a wide and shallow collection of items.) The prices aren't particularly cheap, but they don't feel expensive either. (Well, it's just a normal supermarket.) As an au user, the truth is that I use au pay because I can use it. However, it seems that Kawabe will open in June 2024, 3 minutes away by bicycle from my apartment, so depending on Kawabe's product lineup and the flexibility of payment methods, the frequency of use may decrease.

  • カシアギ



    When I was lining up at the cash register, I suddenly went to get my basket and started paying without saying a word.That was fine, but as soon as I finished paying, I left the place and started talking to other people, which was really bad. I felt uncomfortable. I will not write the name, but I would like you to change your response immediately.

  • Keigo Shibutani

    Keigo Shibutani


    The local supermarket. There's a decent selection of items. The parking lot is large and easy to use. There is also a Tajiyo ATM on the premises and a post office next to the premises, making it very convenient.

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