Maruai en Himeji




🕗 horarios

1-chōme-7-43 Hiromine, Himeji, Hyogo 670-0882, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 79-283-8210
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 34.8529757, Longitude: 134.7002778

comentarios 5

  • くちこみよう



    I think the store and parking lot are planned to be large. There is plenty of space between the display shelves, so you won't have much trouble passing each other with carts. I think they have a wide variety of products because they have a large store. I think that both price and quality are at the average level of Maruai. (Marai is cheap at all stores) I think all supermarkets are doing their best when it comes to quality, so they are all similar. After all, the main points in deciding which supermarket to use are the price and the staff. The price is nothing special. At this point, I would say it's a ★4. The problem is the staff's customer service attitude. Store staff who stock items never give way to customers. They come at you with an attitude of ``Of course you should get out of the way.'' I passed by several store employees who were stocking items, but all of them were like that. That's surprising. However, what was even more surprising was how crowded the cash registers were. On the day I used it, there were three cash registers open, and there were long lines at all of them. If the line was just long, I'd think it was because the timing of the checkout coincided, but the cashier's movements when I lined up were slow... I lined up at the cash register with a small old lady wearing a red hat named Shirai-san, and I was quite irritated by her movements that seemed to be 0.7 times faster than those around her. A young girl who seemed like she was making her part-time debut this spring was processing the cash register much faster, so if I had lined up next to her, I would have been able to make better use of my 10 to 15 minutes of time. It is very disappointing. In the first place, I feel that it is wrong for a slow-moving grandmother to work at the cash register of a busy store. Wouldn't it be better to move to a store with fewer customers? So, I think a total of 2 stars is appropriate. *Contents revised on 2024.05.18

  • Keigo Shibutani

    Keigo Shibutani


    Marui is located near Himeji Racecourse. There is a drugstore on the premises, making it easy to shop.

  • みゆ



    I went to buy vegetables for the first time in a while. When I looked for some komatsuna and bok choy in the vegetable section, I found that they were all brown and damaged, even though they weren't sold out. When I looked at the other vegetables, they were all so damaged that I thought they had been sold out, and I was surprised to see that there were no employees in charge of produce. Also, there were shiitake mushrooms among the leftover items, and they were cheap, so I bought them and took them home, but when I tried them, they were already rotten and I had an upset stomach. It's my fault that I bought it without looking at it carefully, but I was surprised to see them selling a product that was already rotten. I think it's best not to buy something at this store and assume it's okay just because it's sold there.

  • 橘安奈



    The store staff are kind. When I was exhausted after shopping a lot, she took my basket to the refill table. There are many bargain items, and this store is very helpful in the midst of high prices. You can pay with cashless payment (PayPay), so you don't have to take out your wallet or prepare change, which is highly praised (*^^*)

  • Joshua Meade

    Joshua Meade


    If you ever need some groceries and are in the area drop in here for the best prices around with plenty of parking as well.

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