Marmiya Kamaboko Tomarin en Naha

JapónMarmiya Kamaboko Tomarin



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Japan, 〒900-0016 Okinawa, Naha, Maejima, 3-chōme−25−1 とまりん内
contactos teléfono: +81 98-862-0757
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 26.2235619, Longitude: 127.6837008

comentarios 5

  • グルメダイスキング



    If you want to explore the remote islands of the Kerama Islands, depart from Kokodomari Port. It is mandatory and is crowded with many people from early in the morning ✨ Tomari Port Terminal has two Lawson stores and a cafe on the second floor. There is this shop that sells bento boxes and ``rice ball kamaboko''. At the "Okinawa Mensore Festa" held in Ikebukuro We also sell “Mamiya Gyoza” which won for two years in a row✨ My favorite is “Onigiri Kamaboko”✨ If you buy three, you get 20 yen off, so I bought three. ●Sugomori (with egg) ●With juice ●With black rice There are three types ₍₍ ◝(●˙꒳˙●)◜ ₎₎ The juicy and black rice inside the crisp kamaboko It's very filling, well-seasoned and delicious✨ Each piece is small, so if you're a woman, you can have one for breakfast. It's enough, but it might be a little insufficient for men ☺️✨ I ate both of them completely✨ Now that I have a full stomach, I am looking forward to exploring the remote island ✨✨

  • 猟師のじいちゃん



    The rice ball kamaboko is exquisite! It's the soul food of Ishigaki Island. The bento box is also very cheap at around 500 yen, but it is full of volume. If you buy some before boarding the ship to a remote island and eat it on the ship or on the remote island, you will have a wonderful trip.

  • zd sm

    zd sm


    My favorite kamaboko shop. When I go to a remote island from Tomarin, I always stop by, and when I go near Tomarin, I end up stopping by. There are two types of kamaboko: those that come in vinyl or packs, and those that come in vacuum packs. We also recommend the fried gyoza! All of them have a strong taste, and the taste goes well with alcohol. They also sell rice balls kamaboko and sata andagi. Please note that credit cards cannot be used.

  • zara k-tai

    zara k-tai


    Bought some snacks. Fist size doughnuts ball, saataa Andagee and kamaboko fish cake. deep fried outside but fluffy texture. There was also a microwave to warm

  • James Lane

    James Lane


    This is where you buy your bentos for the ferry. Very inexpensive ¥400, tasty, and with great variety.

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