Maple House Honten w Kanazawa

JaponiaMaple House Honten



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Ni-173 Tōrikimachi, Kanazawa, Ishikawa 921-8016, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 76-291-4213
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 36.564916, Longitude: 136.6217479

komentarze 5

  • myk hrok

    myk hrok


    It was a stylish cafe with a very nice atmosphere. I had the gapao rice plate (1,250 yen) and it was very delicious🫶 The shop was self-styled.

  • バコ



    The staff's service, the restaurant's atmosphere, and the taste were very good, but the roast beef bowl I took out was so thick that I couldn't bite into it. I'm sorry.

  • 森野うさぎ



    It is famous for its limited-time whole fig roll (2,300 yen including tax). You can also order it. Apparently they use three whole large figs. Although it's a bit pricey at around 500 yen to just under 700 yen per piece, the other cakes are also delicious. It's a little cheaper if you buy a cake set. The eat-in cake set is a paper plate and a paper cup. It's somehow cheap and bland. There is a library space on the second floor where you can relax and read a book. There is space for small meetings, and events are held regularly. I didn't know there was a point card. I have purchased it many times, but not a single store employee has told me anything about it. It's a shame, as it must have been a long time coming.

  • nakagawa yukihiko

    nakagawa yukihiko


    I just wanted to eat something sweet, so I went in with the intention of buying a take-out cake. Huh? I thought there were more customers than usual, but there were also more staff members, and it turns out that today is the third day of the summer dessert buffet, so there must be a lot of people. I didn't take any photos because there were always people in attendance, but it looked like it was a fun event and it was a great success.I was especially envious of the children who were so happy to eat heaps of desserts. I like the seats on the 2nd floor at this restaurant. The tables and chairs are suitable for relaxing. The crepe was delicious as always, and the fresh cream topping was the same as the one used in the cake, so it was a little less sweet and very nice.

  • L KP

    L KP


    Great cake cafe in Kanazawa. Excellent pastries and lovey coffee. Lunch menu is Japanese style omurice Hamburg etc, but this place shines for the cakes!!!

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