Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo i Chūō-ku

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Japan, 〒103-8328 Tōkyō-to, Chūō-ku, Nihonbashimuromachi, 2 Chome−1, 2-1-1
Kontakter telefon: +81 3-3270-8800
Latitude: 35.6870475, Longitude: 139.7730634
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Kommentar 5

  • Katie DeSantis

    Katie DeSantis


    Our stay was amazing. Everyone really made us feel welcomed and special. I also really enjoyed the fact everyone spoke English, and helped us out. I wanted to give a 10 out of 10 to Shogo at concierge. He really went out of his way to help us enjoy our stay. He also was very personable and just made our stay even more enjoyable. Honestly, I wish we could have a Shogo at every hotel we stay at. He really did a great job!!!

  • Anton Shin

    Anton Shin


    Breakfasts here are simply amazing. Outstanding I would say. And generally the service is just perfect.

  • Rubi Francisco

    Rubi Francisco


    Luxurious hotel, with almost excellent service. The female staff members were very friendly but the male staff member we encountered could improve his attitude towards paying customers. His attitude wasn't what I'd expect from staff of an establishment like Mandarin Oriental in a country internationally famous for its excellent service.

  • Nicole Sichel

    Nicole Sichel


    Just got back from a ten night stay and I cannot say enough about this amazing hotel. The rooms are clean and comfortable and the views are spectacular. Each restaurant is better than the next so I would recommend all of them! Especially the pizza bar ! Ito is the best we all loved watching him create such great food and his personality made the meal ! What sets this hotel apart is the customer service all of my likes were remembered as well as my breakfast order and fun gifts from the staff . Thank you for a wonderful experience!

  • Shin N

    Shin N


    Impeccable service and hospitality! All the hotel staff are incredibly helpful, patient and attentive. The concierge team went above and beyond to assist us, and they have made our stay in Tokyo so wonderful. Their attention to detail is incredible. The views from the rooms, lobby and restaurant are amazing, and the location of the hotel is very convenient. Definitely hands down the best hotel I have stayed in!

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