Mandarake Complex en Chiyoda-ku

JapónMandarake Complex



🕗 horarios

3丁目-12-11 Sotokanda, Chiyoda-ku, Tōkyō-to 101-0021, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 3-3252-7007
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 35.7003679, Longitude: 139.770512

comentarios 5

  • Vince Blas

    Vince Blas


    Incredibly helpful and enthusiastic staff, but good luck navigating the shelves alone if you don't know Japanese. Thankfully, said staff is always happy to help you find what you're looking for if you can give them the information. Huge selection including some rare and hard to find doujins. These are the guys to visit if everywhere else has failed you, but honestly it's worth the visit even if you aren't searching for anything specific.

  • Samir Lakhani

    Samir Lakhani


    Very helpful staff. We found what we were looking for immediately (Detective Conan memorabilia). Awesome selection. It's great how they take in so much that appeals to so many. Fantastic experience.

  • Tomasz Bocheński

    Tomasz Bocheński


    It's huge building with everything that every nerd, geek and cosplay fan could imagine. Each floor have different theme. Good place to buy some vintage pieces for your collection and it's also worth to visit and see even if you do not plan to buy anything .

  • Ardhi Adhary Arbain

    Ardhi Adhary Arbain


    This shop is seriously just for collectors, figurines lovers and otaku. There are so many limited items (most of them are second handed) which couldn't be found at any retail stores in Tokyo, hence the higher prices could be expected. The rooms however, are quite small and could easily become crowded. The collection is nice, but I found that Mandarake stores in Nakano are more complete than this one.

  • Virgie M.

    Virgie M.


    Lots and lots of new and old school figurines. Anything you can't find in other stores people would come here. Great big sales this week and they post their inventory online and will ship overseas. Would totally come back but will need to bring empty suitcases next time...hahahaha.

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