Mandai w Osaka




🕗 godziny otwarcia

6-chōme-23-12 Takadono, Asahi-ku, Osaka, 535-0031, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 34.7193895, Longitude: 135.5453878

komentarze 5

  • Masa



    I'm glad that I can now use almost all cards and electronic money.

  • nori-p



    Compared to Shinmori's Bandai, there are fewer products, but there are many special prices and it's easy to buy.Sometimes I come here on my way home from work.

  • うつみみき



    Bandai is located along the Johoku River, and if you are heading from the bus route, you will need to cross a bridge, so if you do not know the location, you may not be able to take the shortest route. The store is a large one-story building with a parking lot on the second floor and a cleaning shop attached. The store entrance is separate for entrance and exit, and the automatic door will not open even if you stand in front of the exit side, so be careful. There is not much difference in pricing compared to rival stores in the area such as Apro, but the variety of fresh fish they carry seems modest. Although a wide range of cashless payment methods are supported, the company's point award service only accepts cash and company money. However, check-in points using the company's app are awarded regardless of the payment method, so if you use the app every day, you can get a good deal. There is also a drug store, Welcia, next door, which I think is convenient for local residents.

  • Air



    I think it's a reasonable price. It's convenient because it's in a residential area. The price of 10,000 units of kitchen paper is amazing. But the quality is not very good.

  • Jason Nakaya

    Jason Nakaya


    value oriented neighborhood supermarket.

najbliższy Supermarket

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