Mammy's en Fukuoka




🕗 horarios

1 Chome-43 Matsushima, Higashi Ward, Fukuoka, 812-0062, Japan
contactos teléfono: +81 92-626-5801
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 33.6244937, Longitude: 130.4380613

comentarios 5

  • Yoshiya Takakura

    Yoshiya Takakura


    Fish, meat, and vegetables are all cheap. The tempura assortment will sell out quickly.

  • 裕子



    There was a fresh fish store with a good selection of products, so I was spoiled for choice. It's amazing that the sashimi platter is of high quality but cheaper than the supermarket. Credit cards are accepted for smooth payment. I end up buying too much.

  • akkey akkey

    akkey akkey


    I often use it to buy fish. The sashimi is very fresh and delicious. You can also enjoy shopping for meat, vegetables, frozen foods, alcohol, commercial items, and more.

  • pgtja yo

    pgtja yo


    As mentioned in other reviews, the restaurant seems to come to buy it. Fish is popular. It was interesting to see matsutake mushrooms from Türkiye being sold in the vegetable section. There are seasonings and delicious specialties that people in the know will love. So people who don't know anything about it might not be able to find anything. This is not a store you go to for cheap prices.

  • 花咲福娘



    The best! Good for people who like fish! Sashimi and shellfish are cheap and fresh! There is a parking lot, but it was quite full and quite large cars were parked there.

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