Mainichiya Sanbashi Store in Kochi

JapanMainichiya Sanbashi Store



🕗 öffnungszeiten

3-chōme-26-3 Sanbashidōri, Kochi, 781-8010, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 120-953-636
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 33.5462397, Longitude: 133.5482608

kommentare 5

  • 雪奈



    I go almost every day. The daily lunch box lunch is reasonably priced and good. I'm not sure about fish, but vegetables, meat, and seasonal and unusual sweets all intrigue me.

  • ひゃくはちじゅう



    During my trip, I stopped by to buy side dishes for dinner. I got the impression that it was not a large-scale store, but rather a locally-based supermarket, with a side dish section and other items focused on everyday use. Since I stopped by just before closing time, the prepared foods in the store were half price, so I was able to get a great deal. The sashimi had a fresh feel, and the side dishes were seasoned to my liking. However, I had the impression that the price was a little high at the regular price, but considering the high quality, I think it's understandable. The cashier's customer service is polite, and as the name suggests, it's a good supermarket for everyday use.

  • エリオスエリオス



    I was asked to go shopping😆 I almost forgot... but I managed to buy a hat bread 🍞, and I remembered to buy a leeple and bought it 👍 I hope something good happens to everyone who sees this 💞💞

  • 339mon (339mon)

    339mon (339mon)


    January 2022 It's not a large supermarket with a large interior, but I think it's a supermarket where you can buy fresh, high-quality products. Conveniently located, there is a parking lot, postbox, Kochi Bank ATM, dry cleaning shop, lottery ticket office, ID photo booth, etc.

  • -5 W968

    -5 W968


    I use this place often ^_^ I often buy side dishes and bread made in the store ^_^ The side dish corner inside the store has a wide variety of items, all of which are delicious and you'll be spoiled for choice ^_^ Also, the store staff's response is good, so I recommend it (^^)

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