Mahae i Naha




🕗 åbningstider

2-chōme-14-1 Omoromachi, Naha, Okinawa 900-0006, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 98-864-1111
internet side:
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Latitude: 26.2237975, Longitude: 127.6918022

kommentar 5

  • K! O

    K! O


    2024, May. Visited the store for lunch. [Order details] Tax included ★Omorozen 4025 yen *3,623 yen with Naha Terrace Members Club discount The restaurant has a calm atmosphere where you can enjoy your meal and conversation. The food looked beautiful and the seasoning was not too strong, it was elegant and delicious (*^^*)♡

  • mami s.

    mami s.


    It is one of the few restaurants in Okinawa that offers authentic Japanese food courses.The staff's service and space are wonderful, and you can enjoy your meal in a relaxed manner.I think the price range is commensurate with that.Lunch is also delicious.Entertainment and celebrations perfect for things

  • susana lee

    susana lee


    Nice place with good food

  • Ibe



    One of the most eloquent and unique restaurants on the island of Okinawa. Their 8-Course menu was an absolute delight. Every dish they served was beautifully crafted and delicious. We went there for our anniversary dinner and plan to visit again in the future. The staff was also very accommodating and friendly.

  • Egg Li

    Egg Li


    Lunch is cheap with great quality

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