Maguchi Internist and Pediatric Clinic w Asahikawa

JaponiaMaguchi Internist and Pediatric Clinic



🕗 godziny otwarcia

17-chōme-2148-48 Midorimachi, Asahikawa, Hokkaido 070-0823, Japan
kontakt telefon: +81 166-54-1221
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 43.7886595, Longitude: 142.3312485

komentarze 5

  • salut 17

    salut 17


    He is a teacher you can trust. I like the fact that he tells me everything clearly, doesn't require excessive tests or medications, and connects me to a big hospital without overlooking any illnesses. All the other staff members are kind and reassuring.

  • みけ



    I visited the hospital a few years ago. I went there because it was late in the evening and it was the only hospital nearby that was open, but I don't know if it was because it was close to closing time or because I went there without checking on the phone and it was closed, but I was yelled at in the waiting room. Ta. ``I don't practice pediatrics in the first place'' or something. Are doctors the best? Even though we were meeting for the first time, I felt really bad because he talked to me in a loud voice and looked down on me. I went there because it said pediatrics, but if that's the case, why don't you delete pediatrics? Well, at most, if I were to go, it would be elderly people who live nearby. I think people like that are listening to what you say no matter what they do. Many years have passed, but I still can't forget what a disgusting hospital it was. I don't even want to give a star

  • 西野裕介



    The people at the reception are polite, and the teachers are cheerful and very kind. The location is easy to find, in-hospital prescriptions are hassle-free, and there are no unnecessary fees, making it cheap. Some people are giving low ratings because of the automatic voice, but I wonder if it has something to do with whether it's live or recorded...

  • ai sun

    ai sun


    Respond by pretending to be an automated voice. It's obvious.

  • yuma fuu

    yuma fuu


    Although the appearance is old, it is a safe local hospital where you can be hospitalized!

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