Maenohara Onsen Sayano Yudokoro i Itabashi-ku

JapanMaenohara Onsen Sayano Yudokoro



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3 Chome-41-1 Maenochō, Itabashi-ku, Tōkyō-to 174-0063, Japan
kontakter telefon: +81 3-5916-3826
internet side:
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Latitude: 35.770765, Longitude: 139.6927612

kommentar 5

  • Gabriele Di Nuovo

    Gabriele Di Nuovo


    Very nice and relaxing bath. The staff is helpful and speaks english. It is pretty cheap too!

  • en

    Jesus Peng


    One of the nicer onsens I've been in Tokyo and by far the cheapest one, costing only a little bit more than 1000 yen during weekends and 800 yen during weekdays. Expect to find many types of onsens and baths from mineral water, sauna with salt, dry sauna, inside and outside natural onsens, rock bed, rock chair with water flowing on your back, basically everything. The food there is also really good and at a very reasonable price.

  • en

    Siri Mack


    Traditional bathhouse at its best! Very accommodating, brochure in English, helpful receptionist. Spa treatments, restaurant, garden... relaxing and refreshing experience.

  • Noriko Noguchi

    Noriko Noguchi


    Every serene and old fashioned bathhouse. It has indoor and outdoor bathing areas. The bathhouse also provides a wide range of services- body skin scrub, facials and massage. They also have a restaurant on the premises. Very relaxing and clean.

  • Jose María

    Jose María


    Clean and well cared facilities. Awesome indoor and outdoor baths where you can soak in 40°C water while feeling the rain. Turkish steam bath and sauna 70-90°C included. Reasonable priced drinks. The feeling after 2 hours is like if you were floating instead of waking, soooooooo relaxing. It is a must if you are visiting Japan.

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