Maekawa Coffee Toshima in Kumamoto

JapanMaekawa Coffee Toshima



🕗 öffnungszeiten

2-chōme-4-30 Toshimanishi, Higashi Ward, Kumamoto, 861-8043, Japan
kontakte telefon: +81 96-237-6570
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 32.8130946, Longitude: 130.7830388

kommentare 5

  • Bella Viaggi

    Bella Viaggi


    I come here every now and then with friends. It’s pretty comfortable and my friends and I can chat and hang out for a while without worrying. I always get an omurice and this time I got the chocolate French Toast and my friend got the Caramel hotcakes!

  • jenco



    It was my second time using it after a long time. The atmosphere is that of a coffee shop. I had a pasta lunch. It was delicious. It was less than 80% satisfying for me. usually? It may be good for women who eat less. It's a coffee shop 😅

  • ぷるぷる



    When I went on a weekday afternoon at the end of May, 80% of the seats were occupied... I ate the famous bucket parfait all by myself! ! I don't like bitter taste, so I ordered it without coffee jelly. I thought the volume would be less, but it turned out just like the picture! ! The flakes at the bottom are definitely more delicious than other parfaits! The rusk also had two different textures, so I was able to finish it all without getting bored. There were a lot of different types of ice cream, so it got cold from the middle...If you're eating alone, I recommend ordering a hot drink or eating when it's warm! It was 1,300 yen, but I felt as satisfied as I would have spent 3,000 yen! I want to repeat it again in the summer!

  • 寺田敬




  • T. Nagamine

    T. Nagamine


    It’s a well known franchised coffee restaurant in Japan. Excellent customer service and reasonable food & drink menus (the number of items is limited, though; no course menus available; only light meals such as sandwiches and chicken nuggets, etc.). Not to mention, however, their coffee is tasty!

nächste Cafe

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