MA MAISON w Shibuya-ku




🕗 godziny otwarcia

Japan, 怒150-0043 Tōkyō-to, Shibuya-ku, Dōgenzaka, 2 Chomeāˆ’29, 道ēŽ„坂2-29-1
kontakt telefon: +81 3-3477-5180
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazĆ³wki
Latitude: 35.6596622, Longitude: 139.6987806

komentarze 5

  • en

    Jeremy Mossa


    My experience here seems a lot different than the one star reviews would suggest. The food and service were both very good.

  • Jane Tran

    Jane Tran


    The Japanese people in general are so friendly but not the staff at this cafe. Coffee is terrible, other dessert we ordered were very ordinary. Do not come to this place.

  • Triste Cherie

    Triste Cherie


    if you're a tourist stay away-extremely racist! I came here with my dad who was anyways pretty tiered walking around seven floors of teenaged girl clothes and this super mean man in his 40s who was extremely rude said both of us had to order a dish to ourselves when like these Japanese girls to our rights were sharing one plate of pancakes! and basically made my dad leave but then instead we both just went bc wth is with this racism?? if you're a tourist stay away they want as much of ur $$ as they can get but obvi this tactic of theirs isn't working

  • Ana Maria Machado

    Ana Maria Machado


    Summary: do not come to this place! Especially if you look like a tourist. Me and my brother were shopping at Shibuya 109 and at the end of our long shopping hall we came here for lunch. They gave us a corner table, almost like they were hiding us, and the staff was pretty rude. I asked them whether they could give us another table (pointing at a table of 4 that had a better vibe to it) telling them we shouldn't take long and the lady only replied with a rough 'no'. I've heard that Japanese almost never say no like that, so she was being extremely rude. Also, the food was overpriced. My brother came back for tea time only to wait for me to finish shopping and he ordered something. I went there to meet him just to tell him when we were going and when I sat down someone came with a menu and I just politely said thank you but I'm not ordering anything. He then said, with a very poor English, that I would have to leave because both persons would have to order. The cafe was not even half booked, it was ridiculous but I didn't want to make a scene as we were both tired. So, all in all, the people in this establishment are racists who will treat you differently because you're a tourist. It was the worst service I had in the hole of Japan and I would give 0 stars if that would be possible. In general, Japanese service is perfect, but this staff was the worst.

  • en

    Seri Noorfidiana


    Had the most terrible experience in cafe ma maison shibuya109.a man in late 40s invited us in, sat down and look through the father was unwell and my brother stepped out with him to the toilet. There were 5 of us. So we ordered 2 dish and inform the waitress we will order more later when my dad and brother is back from the toilet. After returning the waitress forced us to order 5 dishes and when we hesitate because my dad was too unwell to eat, the waitress and the man in late 40s belive to be the manager force me and my dad to leave the cafe just because we did not order 5 dish whereas there were 4 students behind us eating 1 plate of dessert sharing. To conclude do not come to this cafe, they will force tourist to order more than you plan to and if you do not, they will ask you to leave and not sit down with the rest of your family.

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